Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Published in Feb. 08: Primmer Place

Some of the words on the sign in the lower left hand corner got cut off when this was printed in the paper. I think the whole idea of the cartoon was clear, anyway. Nevertheless, this is what the whole cartoon looked like.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

published in Feb. 08: Murdoch backs Tory

published in Feb. 08: Liz Zetlin, area Poet Laureate

Liz is a terrific poet and she's doing a lot for poets and poetry in Grey-Bruce. This cartoon isn't making fun of her in any harsh way. First of all, it's meant to recognize her honour of being named our poet laureate for another year, and secondly it's just poking fun at how Americans tend to say, "huh" and Canadians say "eh". Of course Liz's poetry is much better than this . That's because I wrote this one. The key to this cartoon is the pronunciation of "laureate". According to my dictionary, it can be be said two different ways. Americans probably tend to say lor-eee- et 'cause they like to simple it down. The other thing is Liz was originally an American, so her first instinct might be to write "duh" but then it wouldn't rhyme. Anyway it's really great to have Liz calling this area "home" for the past number of years. Eh?

Saturday, February 2, 2008

published Jan.31/08 : Harrison Park Makeover

published Jan.29/08 : Wiarton - Keppel Airport Dispute

I don't think you need a genius to figure this one out.... do you??? Come on folks, unless I'm missing something here, the solution seems REAL obvious. Footnote: I've been dying to put "Well, Duh!" in a cartoon.

published Jan.22/08 : Terrorist Fencing... part 2

I spare no expense in my cartoons. If it's beneficial to hire some celebrity or set up expensive props or go to certain locations, well then, by golly, I'll do it. When I thought of this cartoon I remembered Woody Allen delivering the line about some bug in his girlfriend's bathroom in the movie "Annie Hall". It seemed Woody was the right comedian to deliver my lines.

published Jan.15/08 : Tobogganing at Harrison Park

I've actually tobogganed at the Harrison Park Hill on several occasions in the past, with my kids, and just about every time I was there I saw some other kid get hurt to some degree and I saw a whole bunch of close calls. Thank goodness none of my group was hit or did any hitting. Just lucky, I guess.
Some are suggesting they divide the hill into at least two sections: one for sensible people out to have just a little safe fun, and the other half for morons.

published Jan.11/08 : Terrorist Fencing

What can I say? Has anyone spoken to anybody who thinks this is a sensible idea?

published Jan.9/08 : Medical School Application