Wednesday, June 25, 2008

published June 25/08: Cornelius Vlielander's Antique Gas Pumps

While researching info for this cartoon, I found a number of references to the apparent fact that gasoline costs have gone up at about, or even in some cases less than other products, implying that all this fuss about gasoline prices is a little misguided.... Speaking of misguided... I guess the pretense becomes extra motivation for some countries to go to certain wars... or is this just me being pessimistic? Anyway this made good subject matter for a cartoon... I just hope I haven't contributed too much to what may be the myth of outrageously high gasoline prices.

Monday, June 23, 2008

published June 20/08: Health Unit Strike

This has gone on long enough, don't you think. It seems like a gross joke that a fancy new building gets erected with a lot of "frills", maybe necessary... maybe not.... and that these 17 or so mainly clerical staff don't appear to be getting fair offers based on provincial averages.... One would have to think that part of the method of paying for the fancy new building is on the backs of these workers.... but that's the way this whole country was built, back in the day... At least that's the way I see it.

published June 18/08: Legislative Beers

I've watched some coverage of the legislative assembly in "action", although I must admit it's become a lot less funny (and infuriating) since Harris and Eaves were running things. Hey, it was my guilty pleasure. Now, I won't stoop so low as to watch Jerry Springer, but I guess this kinda came close. Nevertheless, back to the main topic. Have you ever noticed the backbenchers? Other than to ask questions written out by the P.R. department that flatter their own party, and to stand up whenever their party wants some vote to go its way, they don't have much to do there... other than to heckle on cue... so when this story about the beers came up, I thought I'd spice up their lives a little.... well, in the cartoon universe anyway... I doubt they'll have any such luck in real life.... although, who knows what happens in the backrooms of Parliament... maybe some informal voting is going on as I speak????

published June 13/08: Heritage "Kiss of Death"

All I can say is that I'm hoping I don't get labeled as part of the heritage around here, any time soon.

published June 11/08: Rocky Raccoon

Congrats to the Rocky Raccoon. Never eaten there but it sounds like a fine place. Anyway, reading about it made me think of what it might be like at the other end of the restaurant rainbow... I had the most fun with this one while thinking up some menu items and the buffet special.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

published June 3/08: Millionaire's Drive Reconstruction

Maybe there were no alternatives... although it seems that a number of citizens thought of ways that it could have been done differently. Nevertheless, it seems truly unfortunate when grand old trees, that are perfectly healthy, are chopped down. (As I wrote this it reminded me of something else, that goes back to when the Federal and provincial Conservatives were chopping down many of our social services, including health and education: it only takes a few days to destroy what took many years to grow.

published May 30/08: South Bruce Peninsula: Coucil and Firefighters negotiations

This takes no sides... I hope they work it out so that everyone is a little happier and content and can get on with their important jobs.

published May 28/08: Meaford O.P.P.

The Mike Harris Legacy keeps on a-rollin', doesn't it? Sing a-long with me if you will ..."Cut, Cut, Cut... Download, Download, Download... Tax cuts for the Rich, Tax cuts for the Rich... You can't always get what you want, But you can give the wealthy what they need.

published May 23/08: Little Shop(s) of Horrors

These two stories were happening at the same time, so it seemed like a good idea to connect them into one cartoon. I really like high school play productions. They put in a lot of hard work and have youthful energy. Saw two great ones this year... OSCVI's Little Shop of Horrors and West Hill's Seussical, the Musical. Both had great sets, great music and some outstanding acting performances. Last year I saw OSCVI's Fiddler on The Roof and that was great too. These productions are just as enjoyable as some professionally done plays and musicals ... and sometimes better. Last year I went to Stratford to see a play version of a favourite book of mine... To Kill a Mockingbird... and it really wasn't that good... merely O.K. and it was way more expensive. So I say, why not go to the high school plays if you're looking for some quality entertainment. ... On the other topic, The Downtown Petro Can was my favourite and most convenient gas bar and there was a really nice lady that worked many of the shifts. I miss that.
I guess Petro Can. is too busy making record profits to bother coming to little old Owen Sound to clean up their mess. Maybe if they raise the price of gas to $1.50 a litre the company will have enough to spare to drop by. Hey, they seem to be into price fixing.... why not do a little bit of abandoned gas bar fixing... I think I just thought of a couple more cartoon ideas.

Friday, June 20, 2008

published May 21/08: Lego Exhibit at Grey Roots Museum

They've been talking about an extra bridge downtown, to ease congestion, for years now. I imagine it will be years until it will get done, given the state of the economy at the moment.

published May 14/08: Downtown Leak

The top one was a variation on the same topic. It's the bottom one that got published. I like them both.