Sunday, October 19, 2008

published Oct. 10/08: Chatsworth's new bridge

I often like to combine two different stories into one cartoon. Chatsworth is, in fact, getting a new bridge on one of its roads. And if you've followed the U.S. election I don't need to tell you about Palin and some of her wackiness. Now, I doubt she actually has or will call Chatsworth, although, to her credit, she does at least realise that Canada is a neighbour of Alaska.
I'm convinced that the Republicans are trying to throw this election. Hey, would you want to take over power after what Bush and the forces behind him have done? So, I bleieve they are quite content to just sit back and bide their time for 4 years and let the Democrats take the heat.
If the Republicans were to win again by actually putting up reasonable candidates, or if worse came to worse and fix the election like they did 8 years ago (remember Florida???), the public down there would NEVER forgive or forget them. So that's why we have two of the wackiest, weakest candidates ever to run for the White House. And if they seem to be getting too close to winning, they can always rig the election in reverse to see that the other side wins... or suddenly(???) have a financial crisis that focuses attention on their candidates weak suit.

published Oct. 78/08: Pumpkin Chucking in Kemble

And now for something lighter.

published Oct. 7/08: Attack ads

Harper was actually running these ads. I pretty well just quoted him. I wondered, "When is the right time to try something new, since what we've been doing clearly hasn't been working?" So I did this cartoon and submitted it. Then the next day a story was in the paper about some of the concerns of teens... especially 18 yr. olds. So instantly this cartoon became even more relevant.
P.S..... Just after the election was completed I saw some news graphic that said that the majority of young people that had voted in mock trials at schools around the country had voted Conservative... (So much for hope in the future) ... but at least N. D. P. came 2nd.... but still.... what the hecks wrong with those kids? Are they brainwashed like many of their elders appear to be or what? .... or maybe the Conservatives used their "shock and awe" rhetoric on them too, and scared the bejesus out of them, just like they do to old people.

published Sept. 30/08: Wandering Predators

Every once in a while we get a bear sighting in the city. With this latest one it occurred to me that they aren't the only ones who invade our neighbourhoods. At least when bears do it they are easy go get rid of, by either ignoring them, or getting the authorities to chase them away, or catch them (via tranquilizer gun) and hauling their asses back to their home turf. Not so easy, apparently with the door to door salesmen... especially those utility predators. I've got a note posted in our door that says "No Salespeople", but that doesn't always stop them.

published Sept. 27/08:PPG plant in Owen Sound closes

The actual news item referred to how the employees were expecting to "kick off" negotiations, before they were dealt this bombshell.
Chalk another one up to free trade and Reaganomics (also known as Thatcherism and Mulroneyism). Ah, the new world order. When I submitted this one I didn't want to call it a cartoon, ('cause I don't think the situation here is funny), so I called it an "editorial image". But I guess the role of a satirist is to point out issues through humour and then, hopefully, you step back and say, "Hey, wait a minute, what am I laughing at here?"
If you go to the company's website, which is based in Pittsburgh, they'll tell you all the wonderful ways they treat their employees. I think you might get a different viewpoint from many of the actual employees both here and elsewhere around the world.
And between the time I drew this and when I got around to posting it on this website we've seen this financial meltdown starting in the U.S. and spreading around the world. How stupid do we have to be to keep believing that all this bunk about unregulated capitalism and the good ol' "trickle down" theory works? At this point I'm not even sure it's possible for the common man, and therefore the common good, to take back control. But I hope we try. I'm not all that confident about what politicians like Barack Obama can actually do, but he seems like a decent guy and at least he's saying more decent, logical things. And you've got to start with the spirit... the pocket book will, hopefully, follow.

published Sept. 25/08: Bill Murdoch is kicked out of Conservative Party.

Was he kicked or did he jump? I think it was a bit of both. Clearly both sides have apparently grown tired of one another... and I suppose this will just perpetuate Bill's image as... dare I say it... a "maverick".... seems like that term has gotten a little out of hand in the election to the south of our border. (As the democrats have argued down there: If you vote along Party lines most of the time.... or just don't show up to vote one way or the other does this really make you a maverick?) Maybe they need to come up with another, more accurate catch phrase to describe the attitude of "I just couldn't be bothered." The other bit that's fascinating about this story is how little Tories in both the provincial and federal parties are allowed to think or speak for themselves. Both Stephen Harper and John Tory seem to really apply the clamps. They would have made great feudal lords..... I thought we had a democracy and free speech.

published Sept. 23/08: Military career advertising is Schools

Someone actually said something like this. I just embellished it a bit to make a point. I think maybe the world would be better off if we started to see peace,(and the environment too) as sound financial investments, a good career, and a healthy life choice. Too much money has been made at war and pollution. Let's turn those suckers around.

published Sept. 19/08: Yet another Tim Hortons is coming to town

published Sept. 18/08: Election Overdose

published Sept. 16/08: Georgian College Navigation Simulator

Please click on the image to make it bigger. I have no idea why this one appeared smaller than normal when I posted it. Technology's funny that way sometimes.

published Sept. 12/08: Prognosticator Phone Calls

The bottom one is the one I did for the newspaper, but then I had the other idea, so I just used the same illustration and changed the wording.