Thursday, July 17, 2008

published July 17)/08

If they end up cramming 60 housing units onto that lot where O.S.C.V.I. used to be, there will be no green area for the occupants to go and sit in and enjoy some semblance of nature. Their backyards will be very tiny and bare. A commons area with some sort of garden or at least trees and sitting area would be nice. Some actually said this is not necessary because of all the "parks" in the immediate area. This cartoon addresses this issue.

published July 9, (I think)/08

Congestion has been happening on 10th St. for as long as I've been in the area, and that's over 15 years... and I suspect it was a problem before that, too... and it will continue to be a problem until someone builds another bridge connecting east and west... maybe somewhere around 11th or 12th street... but since that's not likely to happen anytime soon, I'm not sure a whole lot will change.