Thursday, December 20, 2007

Published Cartoons: Nov 23. , '07 ... Town Crier Audition

One of my recent favourites. And what was extra cool about this one was that Drew Ferguson saw it in the paper and really liked it, too. My pleasure, Drew! I do have one regret about this cartoon and would do it slightly differently if I had to do it over. So, in your head, consider this the do over: I would not mention Mr. Free's name. I did not mean to imply that Mr. Free has done anything wrong. I simply meant that there is an ongoing issue between the Mayor and Mr. Free and that it is a cause for some grief in Meaford. I am not saying either party is guilty... that's for others to decide. In fact there is an issue about whether there is a deficit or not. The powers that be are claiming there is, but that doesn't make it true. But the perception of a deficit must be another source of grief. Hopefully this mess will all be sorted out as investigations continue. Anybody who was simply doing his or her job and was being honest will hopefully be vindicated in the end. I want to re-state that I am taking no sides, nor do I have an opinion about who is right and who is wrong.
I regret any possibility that I have given people this impression and I will try to be more careful in the future. In closing, I should have simply said "Meaford Budget" and left it at that, (and the GTF, which, again without taking any sides, and as an Arts lover, it's always sad to see something of value, disappear.)

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Published Cartoons: Dec. 7, '07 ...downtown parking

Published Cartoons: Nov. 20, '07 ... C.B.C. made in China

Jim Merriam is a very funny writer and his columns in The Owen Sound Sun Times are something I look forward to.
I should say that, personally, I kind of like C.B.C. radio. Not all of it, but some of its music shows and comedy shows and other programming are better and more unique than you'll find on commercial radio. It was kind of disappointing to read in Jim's column that a lot of their souvenir merchandise is made in China, what with the C.B.C. being a public-funded media flagship for our country. So I just took the idea one step further. I made every effort to use correct Chinese writing in this cartoon so I used an internet translation service. I looked at a couple of different sites and they used the same symbols. So I trust they were giving me correct info and not setting me up to say something offensive. On the slim chance that they did, then I apologize... but I did try to get it right and I hope I did.
For readers who may be too young to know who Gordon Lightfoot is let me say two things"
1... I'm getting way too old; and 2... He's a Canadian Icon in the music industry. I could have chosen Joni Mitchell, Burton Cummings, Leonard Cohen, or Bruce Cockburn, but I thought that Gordon Lightfoot just seemed right. I almost went with Stompin' Tom Connors 'cause that would have sounded funny and imagining a Chinese person saying that would be good. Maybe I should have gone with that.... but I like Lightfoot, as a singer, better. Come to think of it "The Barenaked Ladies" would have worked well too."

Published Cartoons: Nov.16, '07... Hydro One Runaway Train

I hope something works out satisfactorily in the end. Even in Dec., a month later, their alternative plans/routes are meeting with some objections. I guess whatever ends up being done, some people are going to be p.... er, ticked off. You can tick off most of the people most of the time, but you can never not tick off some of the people any of the time... or something like that.
Anyway, this, to me, is another example of people finding out a bit what it was like for Natives being pushed around by big interests... either big business, or big government, or both... cause it's kind of the same.
Some people, of some level of expertise, are even questioning whether these new lines are even needed. I couldn't tell you. But it wouldn't be the first time some scheme was hatched solely to make some people richer. Anyway, I just read the news story and took the "the runaway train" quote and, well, ran with it.

Published Cartoons: Nov. 15, '07 : Farm Produce Registration

Friday, December 14, 2007

Published Cartoons: Nov. 13, '07 : Cultural Master Plan

There was a meeting come up, and there had recently also been a bit of a flap over Shopper's Drug Mart erecting a big box store in downtown Owen Sound, on a site currently occupied by some old apartment buildings with some historical and architectural merit. I just combined all this into one cartoon joke. And the thing I like the most about this one is that it involves the use of what I'd consider more of a stand-up comedian's sense of timing in its delivery.

Published Cartoons: Nov. 8, '07 : Pesticide Bylaw

This was based on a local news story that said it was hoped a new bylaw on the use of these chemicals would have more bite to it. Sometimes I must really tip my hat to the headline writers who come up with some great lines for me to work with.
P.S. Not too long ago my wife, while out walking one afternoon in the summer saw some sort of church picnic with children rolling around and playing games on the church lawn. Also on that same lawn were signs informing passers by that some sort of pesticide had been applied to that lawn. Kind of a creepy image isn't it? (... and by pests, I'm not referring to the children.)

Published Cartoons: Nov. 6, '07 : Deer Collisions

Some cartoons work better as two or more panels. By this time, I assume you have already looked at the cartoon. It could have been 3 panels, but then it would have given away the punch line. I hope that readers would conclude that the wife has already yelled out "Deer". On radio, I could have set it up that way, but in print it all relies on the spelling of "deer" & "dear". (A pair of our good old homophone friends.) Homophones are words that engage in same sounding relationships, but still have their own separate identities.... not that there's anything wrong with that. The most famous are perhaps the triplets "to", "two", and "too". And then there are ones who haven't totally come out of the alphabet closet and at first glance appear to be totally different, such as "mist" and "missed". I.e. "He mist her late at night." and "He lost the baseball in the missed."... or is it the other way around???? They too are homonyms, even though they
would try to have you think otherwise. Anyway, I've got nothing against homophones. I think they are quite ordinary, and some of my favourite words are homonyms. Such as too too and tutu.... as in "That's just too, too much!" and "She was wearing a nice tutu during the ballet." And some have gone so far as to not only sound off the same, but actually share the same properties...and they call themselves homonyms... i.e. "bill", "bill", and "Bill" ... "Hey, Bill, that's a very large bill you got from the vet for having the bill of your parakeet cleaned."

Published Cartoons: Nov. 1, '07 : Penalty for missed council meetings

A councilor (or two) in South Bruce Peninsula was getting some monetary penalty for missing meetings. Whether his or her excuses were satisfactory or not was not my issue. In our provincial riding we have an M.P.P. who is notorious for missing time in parliament. He likes to play up the image of being a rebel. People say, and I think he says it, too, that if he showed up for sessions and votes he would not be allowed to speak or vote against his Party or he'd be tossed out (of the Party... not government).
I say he should put his money where his mouth is. Some would argue that he was elected as a member of a specific party. I believe the truth of the matter is that this guy would get elected and re-elected, whether you or I would like it or not, even if he was an independent. So to not stand behind your convictions is to just play some political game. Now it's likely just a game anyway.... all just window dressing for what multi-nationals, or now it's even the more omnipotent "trans-national", business people want. But I say, "If you're going to play the game, then play it to win!".... and by winning I don't mean selling out and just hanging around.

Published Cartoons: Nov. 1, '07 : Affordable Housing Waiting List

When I first inked this cartoon my wife pointed out that I spelled "bragging" wrong. I had written "braging". Whoops. So I had to scan it and do some electronic erasing & printing, and then ink in the the correct spelling. Thank goodness for the ability to do that with the computer! Otherwise I would have had to redraw the whole thing, because "white out" liquid just doesn't cut it.
By the way, the point here wasn't that we've got it good. Any waiting list longer than a day or two should be unacceptable... and it's certainly unfortunate. I was simply trying to draw attention to the 4 year wait in Owen Sound, and I was being sarcastic. That's why there is a question mark at the end of "Bragging Rights"

Published Cartoons: Oct. 30, '07 : Hallowe'en Doctor in Red Tape

I did a black and white version and this coloured version and took them into the Sun Times. I found out that they can't do colour on the page that the editorial cartoon appears each day. That's just the way they're set up. And that's perfectly fine with me, 'cause most of the time I don't want to do colour and it's not really needed. But this cartoon, while it's o.k. in black n' white... still gets the point across I hope... works even better in colour and I'm glad that this blog gives me the opportunity to show it to you with the colour added.

Published Cartoons: Oct. 26, '07 : Protecting Herds from Predators

This is one of a number of my cartoons where the influence Gary Larson (Remember "The Far Side"?) has had on me.
The issue here was that farmers were worried that if they didn't have firearms their cattle, or whatever type of animals they were raising, were being, or would be, threatened by predators.

Published Cartoons: Oct. 23, '07: Jim Boynton Tribute

This is another of the ones I like to do that pays tribute to some noteworthy people in this area. The only thing I wish to point out is that if you hadn't read the original newspaper article in The Owen Sound Sun Times and/or you didn't know Mr. Boynton, each of the flags represents an organization he was a key member or leader of at some point.

Published Cartoons: Oct. 18, '07 : Bed Bugs

Nothing to add about this one, except that Caroline suggested my orgiginal was too wordy and kinda lame. I agreed and came up with this version which I think worked much better.

Published Cartoons: Oct. 16, '07

There were some weird things that happened with the way the vote was conducted and directions people got on where they had to vote, and other things. I'm not saying it was Florida voting weird (as in the American Presidential vote of a few years ago... Remember that fiasco with the infamous chits and voters not registered, etc. etc.?) Anytime we start being more like Florida is not a good time, in my opinion. I hear it's a nice place for "snowbirds" to visit, but is it a place we'd want to live? Not me. But I guess some would. Well, just be patient... The combination of global warming and the Americanization of Canada will get us there eventually.... Yeacch!!!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Published Cartoons: Oct. 6, '07: Hospital Health Food

I have added some shading to the moving man's drawing. In the version that got printed, he appears to be naked except for the hat and shoes and gloves. This was purely unintentional, I assure you. There are two things I'm sure a lot of people don't want to see in hospitals: 100% health food and naked service guys. I'm sure there are some people who would like to see one, or possibly both, of those things. Me? Personally I like the idea of comfort food during times of stress... and I don't go to hospitals for a good time... I'm usually there in some sort of stress situation and I either don't want to eat at all, or I want some tasty "junk" food. Is that so bad?

Published Cartoons: Oct. 4, '07... Cross Border Ambulance Service

There's some problem with charges for ambulance services between Grey and Bruce Counties. It's seems incredulous to me, but I suspect it's some lingering hangover from our days under the Ontario Conservative Monarchy when they downloaded a whole whack of things.... so they could "upload" more money to their rich friends, I suspect. And if that is the problem then the current, slightly more reasonable government should step in and fix this sort of idiotic stuff.... and if that isn't the reason then I simply don't understand how this type of situation could arise in what is supposed to be, and certainly was at one time, a country of universal health care.

Published Cartoons: Sept.27, '07... Day Care Space

It's seems to me that lately, provincial and federal governments have been promising to create more affordable day care spaces, but nothing much ever seems to get done. I don't know which is better... governments like Mike Harris's Conservatives who promise to do nothing for social services for middle and low income people and then keep their word and do nothing... or Parties that appear to have a social conscience and make nice promises and then do little or nothing about it?
Let's just call it a toss up. Although I guess there's at least more hope with someone who can at least "think" of nice things to say.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Published Cartoons: Sept.21, '07 ...Owen Sound Attack Home Opener

I thought I'd just try to draw attention to the local Major Jr. A hockey team's home opener. I'm originally from Peterborough, and I grew up watching the Petes every Thursday Winter Night. So they are still my sentimental favourite. The Attack is my 2nd favourite team since I've spent the 2nd most amount of my life in this area. Other stops along the way were Guelph (ironically the original home of the Attack, who used to be the Guelph Platers), and Sault Ste. Marie (The Greyhounds) where I lived in two small community's to the east of the Soo... Desbarats and Bruce Mines. If you've ever travelled via highway out to the west you've passed thru these places... there's no other way. There was also a one year stay in Toronto... and that was more than enough.
So anyway, I wish the Attack well, but when the Peterboro Petes come to town I'm afraid to admit it, but I'm rooting for them. Please don't hate me for this.... It's only a game!

Published Cartoons: Sept.20, '07... Jim Cranney Memorial

It's nice to do a cartoon from time to time that pays tribute to someone who has done something positive and has touched many people's hearts. At the Tanglefoot concert at Owen Sound's Homecoming celebrations, Steve Ritchie, one of the band members, gave a very moving talk about how Mr. Jim Cranney had such a positive and encouraging effect on his and many other's singing development. That speech inspired this cartoon. I didn't know Mr. Cranney, personally, but I wish I had... maybe even to have had him as a vocal coach, since I can't sing that well (some would say "not at all"... that's the request I get most often... "Could you please not sing at all?"
Anyway, I received some nice feedback on this cartoon, and I'm pleased to have been able to help in this small way to paying tribute to Jim Cranney's very influential life.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Published Cartoons: Sept.14, '07... Downtown Box Store

Owen Sound has one of the nicest downtowns of any city or town in Ontario. It's got variety and character and is very convenient to navigate. I worry about this getting lost when I hear about big box stores moving into the downtown, and tearing down historical buildings in the process. Stratford gets recognition for having a lovely downtown... mainly because it has deliberately set out to preserve its historical buildings. But I think Owen Sound has a much nicer downtown because it does have more variety of stores and restaurants and it is easier to walk around. This won't be the case in the future, if we go down this soul-less big box route. I fear such decisions are based soley on short term money hunger and it won't pay off in the long run.

Published Cartoons: Sept.13, '07... Development Fees

This was about a little disagreement the mayor was having with one of the councilors.

Published Cartoons: Sept 6, '07... Meaford Audit

This is one that I have mixed feelings about. Sometimes I look at it and like it. Other times I don't.
The idea I was working with is that the Meaford Council had, in the past, received suggestions about how to avoid a deficit. Apparently these suggestions were overlooked. But if there was any surprise to them that they had a deficit then it's a case of selective memory.

Published Cartoons: Sept.5, '07... City Council Going Green

This is specifically about a story concerning Owen Sound City Council, but I imagine a lot of councils are trying to go more "green"... Let's hope so, anyway.

Published Cartoons: August 24, '07... Ontario Fur Managers Convention

Published Cartoons: August 23, '07

In the published version of this cartoon, the bottom line in the panel right before Mike Harris, the following did not appear: "Public Health Care made rare by...". I think the cartoon kind of worked without it, but it's better with this line included. It's one of the rare instances where the newspaper accidently messed up. (The computer tells me "accidently" is misspelled, and I don't know why. It's a word, isn't it? And isn't it spelled correctly? Oh well.
By the way, ever wonder why there's a doctor shortage in Ontario? A lot of doctors (and nurses) headed south during Harris' Conservative reign. They weren't nice to a lot of people... teachers, labourers, people on welfare, artists, and health professionals. When I did cartoons in the late 90's there were a lot of ones about Mike Harris. After I finish posting all the current ones, I'll be digging back into the vault for some old favourites and posting them, too.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

The other one

This is the other one I did on the possible custodial strike at Bluewater School Board. I like this one too. I sometimes submit more than one on certain issues and let the Sun Times decide. Sometimes, of course, they pick neither one... and that's cool with me... it's their paper, after all; and I'm just happy to get some in. And for me to choose one over the other... well, it's kind of like "Sophie's Choice". If you know the book or the movie, you likely know what I'm talking about. If you don't, well, never mind 'cause Caroline (my domestic editor) tells me I should keep my comments brief.

Published Cartoons: August 22, '07

This is one of two I did on this topic. I'll post the other one, too. My heart goes out to custodians and any other labourers or other workers who go out on strike or have to threaten it. I come from a blue collar background and I have also studied in school what things were like in the industrial world before there were unions. Nothing's perfect, but trust me... Unless you're a money-grubbing capitalist, (You know, like a Conrad Black or a Brian Mulroney), we don't want to go back there... and we're going there pretty fast, don't you think?

Published Cartoons: August 21, '07

This isn't funny, I know.... but will you give me "cute"? Anyway, Richard Knechtel, who is from this area and a great performer and even greater guy, took over as the artistic director for the Annual Owen Sound Summerfolk Festival... an event I look forward to every year. Richard was like a breath of fresh air who sent wonderful vibes throughout all the performers and the who Kelso Beach Site... so, once again, Richard, a deep, heart-felt thank you from me, and I know this is a sentiment shared by many, many others. I'm eagerly awaiting next Summer already.... and that's not just because I hate Winter!

Published Cartoons: August 15, '07

This is a cartoon that doesn't have a specifically local theme, but....the whole issue of electoral reform regarding possible changes to who gets to sit in future Ontario parliaments sure generated a lot of talk amongst local candidates and also "letters to the editor". As you know, it wasn't a go, so I suppose McGuinty and Tory are happy.... Well McGuinty anyway.... I'm not sure Tory's happy about anything these days after getting a pretty sound whupping in the election.

Published Cartoons: August 10, '07

All I can say is, "Meaford is a great source of material". It actually seems like a very charming town, but it has been having its share of problems.

Published Cartoons: August 14, '07

This is pretty much how I felt after enjoying Homecoming. I imagine a lot of others felt this way, too. But it's a good thing. Can you ever have too much good music? Well, probably... a third weekend in a row with so many long days of great music probably would've darn near killed me.

Published Cartoons: August 9, '07

Another "tribute" cartoon. This time not to a person, but an event. Owen Sound's Homecoming 07 was, if memory serves me correct, our 150th anniversary. I'm happy to say I haven't been here for all 150 years... just some days it feels like that. Anyway the week of activities was fantastic. Especially the music!
Let me just list some of the great, great bands and musicians in or from this area. I risk overlooking some, but all of the following are just awesome: (in no particular order) The Bearcats (one of the best blues bands anywhere, anytime, period!), Tanglefoot (who just won a Canadian folk music award for outstanding vocal group), Bryan Leckie (who is an astonishing songwriter and vocalist), singer Tara Mackenzie (she of the golden celtic voice), guitarist Trevor MacKenzie (Tara's husband who has a voice who is just about as opposite as you can get and who can play one of the meanest guitar's you'll hear around here or anywhere), Backwoods Justice which are so amazing and unique... Think "The Band" combined with the music of Kurt Weill... and that doesn't even do them justice but it's as close as I can get at the moment. Lars Jensen, a grand rocking singer/songwriter/guitarist who just keeps staying good. You might know him better as Larry Jensen... It's the same guy. Then there's Joel Morelli, Adam Reese, Pete Devlin, and Rob Elder, who play a lot of small gigs around town solo or in various combinations. Then there's outstanding saxaphonists Don Buchanan (who's also a great keyboardist), and Steve Kennedy (who used to play with Lighthouse and Motherlode (know of the song "When I Die"? That's Kennedy on the sax.) If you get a chance to see any of the above named acts perform live... take it. I know I'm leaving out some who are also very good, and am probably overlooking someone I should specifically name, but these are some of my favourites. You should also check out, if you haven't already, the Our Sound Music Gallery spot, put together by Bill Henry, on the Owen Sound Sun Times web site.
I'm not getting the rest of this to appear like I want, so I've cut it and will try to post it on the next posting.

Published Cartoons: August 2, '07

Every once in a while I like to do an editorial cartoon that pays tribute to some area person who has done good things. They're not funny, but then everything in life isn't funny, nor does it have to be.... maybe 70 to 80% of it should be, but certainly not all of it. Bill Georgas was a renowned cross country skier and outdoorsman and he was doing things even in old age that most of us wouldn't even consider on a good day, with a young body.

Published Cartoons: August 1st '07

This is the 2nd Santini cartoon that got published. The Great Santini has been very good for me.
This was based on something he actually said in an interview with "The Sun Times"... well, the 1st half anyway. I added my own spin to it, tossing in my general... oh how can I say this nicely?...
displeasure with telemarketing.

Published Cartoons: July 27 '07

The owner of "The Dam Pub" in Thornbury was get harassed by the town because he was flying some sort of small, helium balloon or blimp with a Canadian Flag on it over his pub to attract attention. I just took that idea and imagine the bylaw officer investigating some kid's lemonade stand.
I did a few others based on "the Dam Pub" issue and took the owner copies that he might enjoy or even put up in his pub. I was hoping to at least get a complimentary meal for my efforts. It didn't happen. Oh well.

Other gas price cartoons from July 24

This is the last one on this theme... well for the time being anyway. Two versions of the same cartoon.... The bottom one is the final, cleaned up version. The top one is the one I foolishly messed-up when I started to do another one on top of it. I ended up liking the layout of 2nd one a bit better anyway.

Other gas price cartoons from July 24

Would we go nuts and wait a long time in a line up if we could save 2 or 3 bucks on our next coat or
pair of shoes, etc. I doubt it. What's with gas?

Other gas price cartoons from July 24

I'm often amazed at just how far or out of their way some people will drive to save a few cents a litre. Do the "savings" equal the time and money spent to get to them?

Published Cartoons: July 24 '07

For awhile gas prices were over... sometimes well over $1.00 a litre. One day they went back under a buck. People lined up. There seems to be a frenzy when gas prices go down I did 3 others on the same theme at that time. This was the one that was published. I think a good choice was made. I will include the other three on next postings. You can pick your own favourite.

Published Cartoons: July 20, '07

A trampoline for use in the water got blown off its moorings during a wind storm and went missing.
This cartoon is based on that incident.

Published Cartoons: July '07

The magician/escape artist had announced he was going to set himself free from a burning crate in the downtown harbour as part of the Homecoming '07 festivities. I decided to do a cartoon of what the event might look like.... and combine it with the whole downtown parking issue.

Published Cartoons: July 12/07

It seemed to me that it would be a fun idea to do a top 3. I would go on to do a few more in other months with good old Meaford always coming in at number one. These other ones didn't get published, but maybe someday I'll post them on this blog, along with some other of my favourites that didn't get printed.
By the way, as I type, this program keeps underlining Canadian spellings. They want "favorite" instead of "favourite", but with all due respect to the American ghost in this machine, I'll persist in using Canadian spellings most of the time.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Published Cartoons: July 10/07

A Men's recreational hockey league was whining about not getting good ice time as compared to Minor Hockey league(s). All the "old timer" men's hockey teams had interesting names, so I just imagined what mascots for such teams might look like.... and then I had them gang up on some little kid. I don't have anything against old timer hockey. In fact I played it for a few years. It was suggested I be a goalie since I couldn't skate too well. And before all the serious goalies out there get all upset, let's be honest... they really don't have to skate as well as the other players... but I'm sure many of them can skate way better than I can. Anyway, I stopped after a few years. I was worn out from all the breakaways and three on ones. There's no such thing as the trap in old timer hockey. What there is a lot of is guys leaning against the boards trying to get their breath and legs back while yet another wave of opposing attackers descends hungrily upon their poor goalie.

Published Cartoons: July 6/07

The disappearing water from Georgian Bay and other big bodies of water around here is causing a lot of distress. Some people are suggesting that dredging that has gone on at the Bluewater Bridge that connects Sarnia to Michigan was causing our water to rush away, like water down a bathtub drain hole. I like my drawing of the helicopter and the bridge. The effect of the water "going down a big drain" is a bit lame, but I didn't know how else to do it.

Published Cartoons: July 5/07

Yes, I know this is greatly exaggerated. But the whole issue about the number of signs at Sauble Beach generated a lot of attention. Later in the summer I actually went to Sauble and honestly I can't see what the whole flap was about, but it did make for a cartoon I had great fun creating.

A former, fellow worker used to tease me about the amount of signs I posted in the school library I ran. But I figured it saved me from having to say the same things over and over and over again... that is assuming that students bothered reading the signs anyway... and besides, I didn't charge anything for "parking" in the library!

Published Cartoons: Jun 28/07

Many parks throughout the province don't want you bringing in wood from a different area because it may contain pests that will infect their trees. Fair enough! I just took the ban one step further... what would the trees themselves say.... if they could.

This cartoon is about the decision to at least temporarily allow trucks back onto 1st Ave. W. in Owen Sound. Apparently the route they had been using as an alternative was too difficult to navigate. Some of the people who live along 1st Ave. West, on route to the Grain Elevators, were not too pleased. This was published on June 14/07.

Published Cartoons

Several years ago I did some editorial cartoons for the Owen Sound Sun Times. Jim Merriam, a very funny man, gave me my early encouragement. He now has taken on other roles with the paper, including a regular feature, "The Funny Farm" which is a very amusing column that appears at least once a week. At a later date, I will post some of my early cartoons. But for now, thanks to the suggestion of the current editor, Michael Den Tandt, I have set up this blog which will feature the cartoons that have been published after I resumed doing them. I must praise Michael for his decision to feature local cartoonists about local issues. I think more small city dailies should do the same.

This first cartoon was published June 5/07 and is about The Georgian Theatre Festival in Meaford having to cancel it's season due to some dispute with the town of Meaford about the hall they use for their productions.