Thursday, January 3, 2008

Published Cartoons: Dec. 4, '07 ...School Bus Cancellations

Well, the Christmas holidays are almost over, as I post this, and the kiddies will be going back to school. And I'm sure the whole issue of whether to cancel school buses because of inclement weather will become an issue again. As much as I enjoy sending the wee ones (well, they're not so wee anymore) off to school... so I can have the house more to myself... I think it's best if the school board and bus drivers err on the side of caution.
And don't get me started on "The Weather Network", the so called weather experts with Canada's most reliable weather forecasts. If these fools are number one, then who's #2??? The ones that are always predicting tsunamis, falling fireballs from Mars, or Armageddon??? As one of my sons said one day, "What other job could you have where you could be wrong so often and still keep your job?"

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