Thursday, January 3, 2008

Published Cartoons: Dec.14, '07 ...Tanglefoot wins award

As I mentioned on an earlier post, Tanglefoot is one of the amazing musical acts that is at least partially made up of local musicians. It was nice to see them get this national recognition. I wish them all the best... Although I hope they keep their prices down when they play locally. Of the band members I only really know Steve Ritchie, and only from a few brief conversations, but he seems like a genuinely nice guy and he sure is a great entertainer. Hope 2008 and beyond is amazing for you, Steve and Tanglefoot!
And while I'm on the topic of local music... I have been listening to some more Bryan Leckie lately. This guy is an awesome singer/songwriter! I hope he won't be offended, but he sounds quite a bit like Bob Dylan, only I think I prefer Bryan. His lyrics are really cool, and his melodies are more rootsy and jazzy than Dylan's... and his voice is better... but then whose isn't? But this is not a put down on Bryan's singing... anything but... when I say he sounds like Dylan, I'm talking about Dylan on a very, very good day.... maybe the voice Dylan will be given in Heaven. And Leckie always has some top notch musicians in his accompanying band. Anyone who has heard Bryan or owns any of his CD's is in on a true buried treasure. Lucky you. And if you don't own any of his stuff, then try to get it. Here's a tip: Bryan runs an Owen Sound Printing business called "Instant Print" and the store's on 3rd Avenue East. He also carries some very cool notepaper. Drop by and say hello.... See if you can buy a CD while you're there. And here's some great news... I hear he's working on a new CD!!!

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