Monday, June 23, 2008

published June 18/08: Legislative Beers

I've watched some coverage of the legislative assembly in "action", although I must admit it's become a lot less funny (and infuriating) since Harris and Eaves were running things. Hey, it was my guilty pleasure. Now, I won't stoop so low as to watch Jerry Springer, but I guess this kinda came close. Nevertheless, back to the main topic. Have you ever noticed the backbenchers? Other than to ask questions written out by the P.R. department that flatter their own party, and to stand up whenever their party wants some vote to go its way, they don't have much to do there... other than to heckle on cue... so when this story about the beers came up, I thought I'd spice up their lives a little.... well, in the cartoon universe anyway... I doubt they'll have any such luck in real life.... although, who knows what happens in the backrooms of Parliament... maybe some informal voting is going on as I speak????

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