Saturday, August 30, 2008

published Aug. 29 /08: Labour Day '08

As I've said before, I come from a blue collar background. My father worked in factories on assembly lines most of his life. In high school I learned about what life was like for workers before there were unions. Child labour was common. For instance they would work in the tiny spaces in mining, as well as in factories. Workers who were injured due to unsafe working conditions were just dismissed, (fired), because they were suddenly useless to the owners. So if you want to say bad things about Unions, it's a debate I'll gladly undertake with you.
I know that Unions sometimes have done and will continue to do "bad" things. But then some teachers, politicians, doctors, policemen, and soldiers, to name a few categories, do some bad things, too... But then that's just human nature. There are bad apples and mistakes in every field. But it doesn't mean that the concept is bad. Anyway, if you want to go back to a time when there weren't any unions, just stick around for awhile, 'cause that's where we seem to be heading. And if you're impatient, then just move to a third world country. I'm sure you can get a job in some sweat shop pretty easily.... that is, if you're tough enough.

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