Thursday, December 20, 2007

Published Cartoons: Nov 23. , '07 ... Town Crier Audition

One of my recent favourites. And what was extra cool about this one was that Drew Ferguson saw it in the paper and really liked it, too. My pleasure, Drew! I do have one regret about this cartoon and would do it slightly differently if I had to do it over. So, in your head, consider this the do over: I would not mention Mr. Free's name. I did not mean to imply that Mr. Free has done anything wrong. I simply meant that there is an ongoing issue between the Mayor and Mr. Free and that it is a cause for some grief in Meaford. I am not saying either party is guilty... that's for others to decide. In fact there is an issue about whether there is a deficit or not. The powers that be are claiming there is, but that doesn't make it true. But the perception of a deficit must be another source of grief. Hopefully this mess will all be sorted out as investigations continue. Anybody who was simply doing his or her job and was being honest will hopefully be vindicated in the end. I want to re-state that I am taking no sides, nor do I have an opinion about who is right and who is wrong.
I regret any possibility that I have given people this impression and I will try to be more careful in the future. In closing, I should have simply said "Meaford Budget" and left it at that, (and the GTF, which, again without taking any sides, and as an Arts lover, it's always sad to see something of value, disappear.)

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