Friday, December 14, 2007

Published Cartoons: Nov. 1, '07 : Penalty for missed council meetings

A councilor (or two) in South Bruce Peninsula was getting some monetary penalty for missing meetings. Whether his or her excuses were satisfactory or not was not my issue. In our provincial riding we have an M.P.P. who is notorious for missing time in parliament. He likes to play up the image of being a rebel. People say, and I think he says it, too, that if he showed up for sessions and votes he would not be allowed to speak or vote against his Party or he'd be tossed out (of the Party... not government).
I say he should put his money where his mouth is. Some would argue that he was elected as a member of a specific party. I believe the truth of the matter is that this guy would get elected and re-elected, whether you or I would like it or not, even if he was an independent. So to not stand behind your convictions is to just play some political game. Now it's likely just a game anyway.... all just window dressing for what multi-nationals, or now it's even the more omnipotent "trans-national", business people want. But I say, "If you're going to play the game, then play it to win!".... and by winning I don't mean selling out and just hanging around.

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