Sunday, December 16, 2007

Published Cartoons: Nov.16, '07... Hydro One Runaway Train

I hope something works out satisfactorily in the end. Even in Dec., a month later, their alternative plans/routes are meeting with some objections. I guess whatever ends up being done, some people are going to be p.... er, ticked off. You can tick off most of the people most of the time, but you can never not tick off some of the people any of the time... or something like that.
Anyway, this, to me, is another example of people finding out a bit what it was like for Natives being pushed around by big interests... either big business, or big government, or both... cause it's kind of the same.
Some people, of some level of expertise, are even questioning whether these new lines are even needed. I couldn't tell you. But it wouldn't be the first time some scheme was hatched solely to make some people richer. Anyway, I just read the news story and took the "the runaway train" quote and, well, ran with it.

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