Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Published Cartoons: Sept.20, '07... Jim Cranney Memorial

It's nice to do a cartoon from time to time that pays tribute to someone who has done something positive and has touched many people's hearts. At the Tanglefoot concert at Owen Sound's Homecoming celebrations, Steve Ritchie, one of the band members, gave a very moving talk about how Mr. Jim Cranney had such a positive and encouraging effect on his and many other's singing development. That speech inspired this cartoon. I didn't know Mr. Cranney, personally, but I wish I had... maybe even to have had him as a vocal coach, since I can't sing that well (some would say "not at all"... that's the request I get most often... "Could you please not sing at all?"
Anyway, I received some nice feedback on this cartoon, and I'm pleased to have been able to help in this small way to paying tribute to Jim Cranney's very influential life.

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