Friday, December 14, 2007

Published Cartoons: Nov. 6, '07 : Deer Collisions

Some cartoons work better as two or more panels. By this time, I assume you have already looked at the cartoon. It could have been 3 panels, but then it would have given away the punch line. I hope that readers would conclude that the wife has already yelled out "Deer". On radio, I could have set it up that way, but in print it all relies on the spelling of "deer" & "dear". (A pair of our good old homophone friends.) Homophones are words that engage in same sounding relationships, but still have their own separate identities.... not that there's anything wrong with that. The most famous are perhaps the triplets "to", "two", and "too". And then there are ones who haven't totally come out of the alphabet closet and at first glance appear to be totally different, such as "mist" and "missed". I.e. "He mist her late at night." and "He lost the baseball in the missed."... or is it the other way around???? They too are homonyms, even though they
would try to have you think otherwise. Anyway, I've got nothing against homophones. I think they are quite ordinary, and some of my favourite words are homonyms. Such as too too and tutu.... as in "That's just too, too much!" and "She was wearing a nice tutu during the ballet." And some have gone so far as to not only sound off the same, but actually share the same properties...and they call themselves homonyms... i.e. "bill", "bill", and "Bill" ... "Hey, Bill, that's a very large bill you got from the vet for having the bill of your parakeet cleaned."

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