Monday, December 10, 2007

Published Cartoons: August 23, '07

In the published version of this cartoon, the bottom line in the panel right before Mike Harris, the following did not appear: "Public Health Care made rare by...". I think the cartoon kind of worked without it, but it's better with this line included. It's one of the rare instances where the newspaper accidently messed up. (The computer tells me "accidently" is misspelled, and I don't know why. It's a word, isn't it? And isn't it spelled correctly? Oh well.
By the way, ever wonder why there's a doctor shortage in Ontario? A lot of doctors (and nurses) headed south during Harris' Conservative reign. They weren't nice to a lot of people... teachers, labourers, people on welfare, artists, and health professionals. When I did cartoons in the late 90's there were a lot of ones about Mike Harris. After I finish posting all the current ones, I'll be digging back into the vault for some old favourites and posting them, too.

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